Citizens' Recycling Reward Program

Mobile Green Points (MGP) or Green Points

Citizens are informed and deliver their separated materials (mainly materials other than packaging) in MGPs operating itineraries (with pre-determined stops at public gathering places, such as squares, outdoor parking, etc.) or in Green Points.


Rewards Program

Citizens can enroll in the rewards program at MGPs (but also online) (on a card with QR code or QR code on mobile).


Electronic Wallet

With their mobile number, their email or the THE GREEN CITY card, they collect points in an e-wallet, based on the weight of the materials they recycle and weigh on the MGP. e.g. a kilogram of aluminum materials will correspond to XXX points.

Citizens registration and rewards

At Mobile Green Points

Via touch screen that exists in the MGP and with the help of a representative




Via a mobile app THE GREEN CITY


Unique offers in a wide range of products and services.

Win points with THE GREEN CITY

Your points can be redeemed in unique offers & discounts.

Help the environment

Learn how to recycle efficiently with THE GREEN CITY.